Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sunday, July 25, 2010

There is our handsome son!
Although Spencer would strongly disagree, he is doing wonderfully. Apparently, head trauma patients are given minimal pain medication (no narcotics) so they can be accurately evaluated for neurological function. He is, in a word, m i s e r a b l e ! Every minute is full of intense pain and discomfort, and he is begging to go home. He cannot find a comfortable position to lay, is totally exhausted, and cannot sleep. Fortunately he will not remember any of this stage of recovery, which truely is a gift. The left side of his face and head are hugely swollen, but this is strictly exterior to the skull. Spencer speaks clearly, and doesn't seem to have any damage to his facial nerve, which was a concern. He expresses his pain & frustrations, but was unable to respond approriately to his doctors' questions--just fine at this point. His level of pain appears to exceed the normal amount for the surgery, and is probably coming from this very damaged ear. Our biggest issue now is addressing his fever. He will have a spinal tap to help choose the most appropriate antibiotic. Thank heavens he is in very capable hands.
He continues to be in great need of your prayers. We are so appreciative of all of you. We love you and couldn't be getting through this without all the support we have received.

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