Thursday, July 29, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

He looks a little banged up, but is SOOO MUCH BETTER!
Spen is Back!

What a difference a day makes! We had a rollercoaster day yesterday, as we awaited Spencer's surgery. His surgery finally began at 7:00pm, and he was out by 9:00pm. By about ten oclock we were able to see him. When his nurse attempted to rouse him, he opened his eyes and responded! We asked him questions and he answered appropriately by nodding his head, moving his fingers, etc. He became somewhat agitated and was using his teenage strength in an attempt to dislodge his respirator, IVs, Foley, and cranial pressure probe. About two hours later, the neurosurgeon came to check on Spen, and the decision was made to remove the tubes from his throat, and the probe from his brain. When we were allowed back into his room, Spencer was groggy but TALKING and MAKING SENSE!!! This is an absolute miracle, a direct result of all of your prayers on his behalf. We have felt the powers of heaven which have been directed our way by all of you. The medical care at Scottsdale Osborn has been outstanding. Talk about a team effort for this kid!

Last night Spencer's nurse allowed him to touch his head, and he said, "What happened to my hair?" She told him that he had brain surgery and they shaved it all off. He responded, "That's not cool." He also told the nurse that he was going to be sick, and calmly proceeded to count down backwards from five, vomiting just after saying, "one!" That made him a superstar with the nurses, who say, "No patient has even done that before."

When we arrived back at the hospital this morning following a few hours of sleep at home, we walked into his room to find him sitting up eating a cracker and sipping ginger ale! He is much more alert this morning and HE'S BACK! His personality already is the same ol' Spen! We are beyond being overwhelmed with gratitude.

With the most critical days behind us, we look forward to addressing the additional challenges he will be facing. These were the "We HOPE to have that problem" issues. All three bones in his left ear are broken, and we are expecting vertigo, nausea, and hearing problems. He remains agitated, uncomfortable, and very frustrated with his inability to find a comfortable position amid all the remaining IV tubes, drains, and monitor cords. The nurses assure us that his frustration and downright grumpiness are very normal at this point. We're hoping he will be a little "friendlier" after he satisfies his ravenous hunger (a little at a time).


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