Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

Spencer's has completed his physical therapy, and still has a few remaining speech therapy sessions.  He had a check-up with his neurosurgeon last week, and was given a long lecture about very fortunate he is!  The doctor also stressed that he is still not fully recovered and needs to be on limited activity for six months.  Spencer has re-enrolled at Mesa Community College, with a fairly light classload.  His reading comprehension and memory could be issues for him, but it is great therapy for him to challenge himself.  The disability office has been notified by Spencer's doctor to allow him extra time for taking tests.   He has been tested and cleared by the occupational therapist to return to driving.
Spencer still has no hearing in his left ear, and will be having surgery for that on September 10th.  The ENT will replace a broken bone in the inner ear with a prosthetic one, and is expecting a very positive result.
Spen is continuing to make great progress.  Tomorrow will be six weeks from his injury!

1 comment:

  1. A prosthetic inner ear, that is amazing. We continue to pray for him.We love your family.
